Food History Sources

Small Redware Baking Dishes

These reproduction redware baking dishes were produced from an original mold in the collection of Old Winston Salem House and Garden Museum.  On a special tour of collections I had the pleasure to see the original mold and fortunate to find reproductions in the museum shop.

Rounded Copper Colander

The source for this very functional reproduction rounded copper colander is Goosebay Workshops.


Staffordshire Slipware Vessel

This is a beautiful reproduction of a circa 1700 communal vessel created by Michelle Erickson, who has over 25 years experience in experimental archeology in rediscovering lost ceramic techniques.

The source for this reproduction of a 1585 original kettle that was commonly used about ship is Goosebay Workshops. (See post Salt Cod and More)

Small Moravian Redware Skillet

The source for the reproduction Small Moravian Redware Skillet pictured in the post Take Apricocks was made by Mary Farrell of Westmoore Pottery.

Dutch Skillet

The source for the reproduction late 17th century Dutch Skillet in the post To Fry the best kind of Pancakes was made by Peter Goebel of Goosebay Workshop.

Welsh Bakstone

Welsh, English, Scottish and Irish reproduction and some original bakstones are available from Antique Kitchenalia.

1685 Wine Bottle

The source for my reproduction early wine bottle was Period Design.  There is no website but they were located at 401 Maine St, Yorktown, VA.  Phone number 757-886-9482.  My bottle was acquired many years ago.

Redware Cooking Pot (Large Pipkin)

The source of the two Redware Cooking Pots or Large Pipkin (pictured in my post of the same name) were made by Julia Smith.

Batter Jug

The stoneware batter jug (pictured in The Jug blog post) was made by Rowe Pottery Works.

Hemisperical Kettle

This kettle is a reproduction of a Dutch original dated circa 1550-1650 researched by the Goebel’s of Goosebay Workshop to be in rather common use for 200 years.

Plate Cover  Copper

I have had several inquiries as to what the copper piece is that I am holding in my blog post Wyck’s Food Festival   (posted 6/24/2011) that I used to cover the food.  That piece is a reproduction of a 1500-1650 original plate cover made by Peter Goebel of Goosebay Workshops.  The piece worked perfectly for the samples.

Royal Selangor Pewter

Many years ago now, I found (just browsing in a mall) a reproduction of a tulip pewter plate that had a Victoria and Albert symbol on it.  I almost did not purchase the plate but I am very happy that I did as I have used it so often.  The plate is still available from Royal Selangor Pewter.  Each plate is marked with the Royal Selangor tradmark, the V & A logo, and the year of manufacture in Roman numerals.  The date on my plate is MCMXCVI.

Old Sturbridge Village Museum Store

I always check the tinware section of the Old Sturbridge Village  (OSV) Museum Store when I visit OSV.  Another one of my “great finds” was the tinware baker that is pictured in my blog post Men of Sorghum in Honor of Lincoln.



Plimoth Reproduction Pottery

One of my stops to and from my home state of Maine, has been Plimoth Plantation.  I am always delighted with my reproduction finds there.  The redware grisset that I am using in my blog post For a Hare comes from Plimoth and I have used it for many years now.  A great find!


Goosebay Workshops

You can find Peter Goebel’s fine reproduction copperware featured in many movies, historic sites, and in use when Heart to Hearth Cookery conducts classes and demonstrations.  He designed the cake hoop and baking sheet for use at Pennsbury Manor in 2000 and my chocolate bean roasters in 2001.

Find food history classes, workshops, presentations and demonstrations at

Julia Smith-Historic Pottery Reproductions

Julia has a large selection of wonderful redware and the large pipkin used in my blog entry, Starting Spring with a Hearth Cooking Class, is one of Julia’s pieces.  I use a number of her pieces in my demonstrations and classes.  Visit Julia’s website

John Hudson-Clayptter

When I visited John Hudson, in Mirfield, West Yorks, England, I was so amazed at the simple kiln that John used to fire his masterpieces.  The chaffing dish that I used in my blog post Too Stew Larks was created by the master potter, John. It is a beauty just as are all the other pieces of his pottery that I use in my demonstrations.

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