Posted by: hearttohearthcookery | June 14, 2010

Too Make a tart of spinaige

A Tart of Spinaige

At the hearth last Friday, I made one of the 144 receipts (recipes) that are found in the manuscript copy of Gulielma Penn, the first wife of William Penn.  These receipts were copied by William Blackfan in 1702 for the son of William Penn, another William to bring with him to this country.  This receipt is titled Too Make a tart of spinaige and reads:

  Take a good Dele of spinaige and boyle it in water and a Littell salt, and when it is boyled well Drain out the water very Clene, take the yeolks of eggs and Creme strain them with the spinaige through a strainer, and seson it with suger, put too it a slise of butter

This tart was baked in a bake kettle and the taste was very pleasing!    Visit my website at












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