Posted by: hearttohearthcookery | January 23, 2011

Gridirons, Bake Kettles and more: A Hearth Cooking Adventure

Many Burners

 As I sit in my office, trying to stay warm on this cold day, I find planning hearth cooking workshops warming.  At every class and  workshop my goal is to use as many different hearth cooking techniques and equipment as possible.  I love to hearth cook and find each hearth and receipt (recipe) a total adventure. My  hope is that every person I work with takes away just a bit of my ethusiasm for the art.  The class I am currantly choreographing is the March 19th 2011 Hearth Cooking Workshop at Bolton Mansion.  And YES!-I used the word choreograph as in dancing- as I balance all the different elements of seasonality, color, taste, maximum use of the stage (the hearth), and cooking techniques for the beginner to the master of the art.  But the grand finale-is enjoying the wonderful (almost lost) tastes of the past with all!

Join me for this wonderful adventure on March 19th!  More information and registration details for the class are on my website on the Current Class page.

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