Posted by: hearttohearthcookery | May 11, 2024

Finely Beaten and Searced – A Taste of Hearth Cooking

Every ingredient for the receipt (recipe) To make Chocolate is finely beaten & searced.  To searce (meaning to sieve) was used as a culinary term in many early receipts and the word sieve utilized when it applied to agricultural processes.  The finely beaten cacao nuts, sugar, spices and vanilla were all searced as pictured in the redware bowl.

Every ingredient for the receipt (recipe) To make Chocolate is finely beaten & searced.  To searce (meaning to sieve) was used as a culinary term in many early receipts and the word sieve utilized when it applied to agricultural processes.  The finely beaten cacao nuts, sugar, spices and vanilla were all searced as pictured in the redware bowl.

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